Parteneriate / Afilieri


The 5-th Annual Congress of European Congress of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgery within The 2-nd Congress of RSPLS, Bucureşti, România, 23-25 septembrie 2015,, ca organizator de evenimente sociale conexe/excursii

The 7-th International Symposium on Geography “LANDSCAPES: PERCEPTION, KNOWLEDGE, AWARENESS AND ACTION”®, Bucureşti – Constanţa, 29 – 31 mai 2105, ca partener şi principal organizator

The 6-th International Symposium on Geography “LANDSCAPES: PERCEPTION, KNOWLEDGE, AWARENESS AND ACTION”® , Bucuresti - Brasov, 16-18 Mai 2014, www.geosymposiumlandscapes.roca patener si principal organizator.

The 2nd Conference on the Anthropology of Contemporary Arts & Sciences within the 6th International Summer School of the Faculty of Letters, University SPIRU HARET, Bucuresti, 1-8 Septembrie, 2014 – ca organizator al excursiei din data de 4 septembrie 2014